Kidderminster Treatment Centre - Acute Trust address, phone number, fax number, website, email etc. details are mentioned as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for appointments.
Kidderminster Treatment Centre - Acute Trust has following accessibility, parking, accommodation, counselling and support, food and amenities on-site facilities available which can be availed by incoming patients.
Disabled parking | Yes |
Wheelchair access | Yes |
Access to TV | Yes |
Public telephone | Yes |
Single sex accommodation only | Yes |
Bringing children to hospital facilities are not available
Car Parking | Yes |
Disabled parking | Yes |
No communications facilities available
No faith services available
Some measuring parameters of Kidderminster Treatment Centre - Acute Trust are taken and their fetched values are as mentioned below.
Measure | Value |
A&E performance | Patients seen within 4 hours |
Agency staff as a percentage of average expenditure | Average expenditure with a value of 8% |
Estimated Procurement Savings Target | £192,909 - £1,000,073 |
Financial performance | |
Percentage of patients waiting less than 18 weeks | 80% of patients waiting less than 18 weeks from referral |
National Patient Safety Alerts | Poor - Some alerts not signed off after deadline |
Overall Procurement Process Efficiency and Price Performance Assessment | Bottom 25% |
Price Performance | Bottom 25% |
Procurement Process Efficiency | Middle 50% |
Mortality rate (in hospital and up to 30 days after discharge) | Number of deaths within the expected range |
Friends and Family Test score: Staff - Care | staff recommend this hospital for care. 734 responses. 6130 staff work at this trust. |
Friends and Family Test score: Staff - Work | staff recommend this hospital as a place to work. 734 responses. 6130 staff work at this trust. |
Recommended by staff | Within expected range with a value of 61% |