Stepping Hill Hospital address, phone number, fax number, website, email etc. details are mentioned as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for appointments.
Stepping Hill Hospital has following accessibility, bringing children to hospital, parking, accommodation, faith services, food and amenities on-site facilities available which can be availed by incoming patients.
Braille translation service | Yes |
Disabled parking | Yes |
Disabled WC | Yes |
Induction loop | Yes |
Step free access | Yes |
Text Relay | Yes |
Wheelchair access | Yes |
Access to TV | Yes |
Internet access | Yes |
Mobile phones permitted | Yes |
Public telephone | Yes |
Single sex accommodation only | Yes |
Baby changing facility | Yes |
Children's play area | Yes |
Parent and baby room | Yes |
Parent and child parking | Yes |
No counselling and support facilities available
Car Parking | Yes |
Cycle parking | Yes |
Disabled parking | Yes |
No communications facilities available
On-site chapel | Yes |
Prayer area | Yes |
Cafe | Yes |
Patient library | Yes |
Pharmacy | Yes |
Shop | Yes |
Some measuring parameters of Stepping Hill Hospital are taken and their fetched values are as mentioned below.
Measure | Value |
A&E performance | Patients seen within 4 hours |
Friends and Family Test score: A&E | Patients recommend this hospital. 1269 responses |
Agency staff as a percentage of average expenditure | Average expenditure with a value of 4% |
Care Quality Commission inspection ratings | Requires Improvement |
Care hours per patient day | hours |
Estimated Procurement Savings Target | £262,984 - £1,253,262 |
Financial performance | |
Percentage of patients waiting less than 18 weeks | 81% of patients waiting less than 18 weeks from referral |
Friends and Family Test score: Inpatient | Patients recommend this hospital. 1337 responses |
Friends and Family Test score: Labour ward | Patients recommend this hospital. 103 responses |
National Patient Safety Alerts | Poor - Some alerts not signed off after deadline |
Overall Procurement Process Efficiency and Price Performance Assessment | Middle 50% |
Friends and Family Test score: Postnatal ward | Patients recommend this hospital. 100 responses |
Price Performance | Middle 50% |
Procurement Process Efficiency | Middle 50% |
Mortality rate (in hospital and up to 30 days after discharge) | Number of deaths within the expected range |
Friends and Family Test score: Staff - Care | staff recommend this hospital for care. 1242 responses. 5276 staff work at this trust. |
Friends and Family Test score: Staff - Work | staff recommend this hospital as a place to work. 1242 responses. 5276 staff work at this trust. |
Recommended by staff | Within expected range with a value of 60% |