The Park Hospital address, phone number, fax number, website, email etc. details are mentioned as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for appointments.
The Park Hospital has following accessibility, parking, accommodation, counselling and support, food and amenities on-site facilities available which can be availed by incoming patients.
Disabled parking | Yes |
Disabled WC | Yes |
Induction loop | Yes |
Signing service available | Yes |
Step free access | Yes |
Wheelchair access | Yes |
Access to TV | Yes |
Internet access | Yes |
Mobile phones permitted | Yes |
Private rooms only | Yes |
Public telephone | Yes |
Single sex accommodation only | Yes |
Bringing children to hospital facilities are not available
Car Parking | Yes |
Disabled parking | Yes |
No communications facilities available
No faith services available
Cafe | Yes |
Pharmacy | Yes |
Shop | Yes |
Some measuring parameters of The Park Hospital are taken and their fetched values are as mentioned below.