Waters Edge Medical Centre is one of the leading GP practice in Middewich and it is located at Lex House, 10 - 12 Leadsmithy Street, Middewich, Cheshire, CW10 9BH. Patients can contact Waters Edge Medical Centre at 01606 544401 for appointments. Services offered by Waters Edge Medical Centre are Asthma Clinic, Child Immunisations, COPD clinic with spirometry, Joint injections, Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant), Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house and others. Waters Edge Medical Centre GP has total 4689 registered patients, out of this there are 2352 female registered patients and 2337 male registered patients. It offers Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) which allows you to get your medicines with out the need of paper prescription. Waters Edge Medical Centre has medical staff of 15 to cater to your healthcare needs. NHS Cheshire CCG is responsible for effective clinical commissioning of Waters Edge Medical Centre.
Waters Edge Medical Centre address, phone number, fax number, website, email etc. details are mentioned as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for appointments.
Waters Edge Medical Centre opening timing for reception and surgery are as mentioned below for complete week. Patients can book their appointments accordingly.
Waters Edge Medical Centre have following clinics at their center and they provide below mentioned services to the patients.
Asthma Clinic
Child Immunisations
COPD clinic with spirometry
Joint injections
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant)
Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house
Smoking cessation clinic
Travel health without yellow fever
Learning disability health check
Primary care counselling service
Waters Edge Medical Centre has following Accessibility and Parking facilities available which can be availed by incoming patients.
Disabled parking
Disabled WC
Step free access
Wheelchair access
Car Parking
Cycle parking
Disabled parking
There are 15 medical staff working at Waters Edge Medical Centre. Following are the staff details who work at Waters Edge Medical Centre with their name, job tittle and GMC Number.
Job title
GMC Number
Rebecca Padgett
Sharon Price
Jean Hitchen
Joanne Ashcroft
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Dr Stephen Coogan
General Practitioner
Dr Mary Elizabeth Beswick
General Practitioner
Lisa Barber
Healthcare Assistant
Catherine Brookhouse
Nurse Practitioner
Sharon Smith
Practice Manager
Helen Jeffrey
Practice Nurse
Donna Roberts
Practice Nurse
Sophie Dickinson
Reception Staff
Cathy Buckley
Reception Staff
Eleri Booth
Reception Staff
Karen Cunningham
Some measuring parameters of Waters Edge Medical Centre are taken and their fetched values are as mentioned below.
Antibiotic Prescribing
items per standardised prescribing unit (see definition)
Cancer Detection Rate
38.71% detected by practice, out of 31 new diagnoses.
Care Quality Commission Inspection Ratings
Requires Improvement
Cervical Cancer Screening
78.7% screened, of 1237 eligible women.
Flu vaccinations - Aged 65 and over group
73.8% vaccinated, of 740 eligible people.
Flu vaccinations - Under 65 At Risk Groups
52.1% vaccinated, of 516 eligible people.
Patient Experience - Confidence and Trust in healthcare professional
89.77% had confidence, of 60 respondents.
Patient Satisfaction with GP Practice Appointment Times
63.27% were satisfied, of 54 respondents.
Percentage of children aged 1 completed primary course of 5:1 vaccine
98.04% vaccinated.
Proportion of children aged 2 with Haemophilus influenzae type b and Meningitis C booster vaccine
93.75% vaccinated.
Proportion of children aged 2 with Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine
93.75% vaccinated.
Proportion of children aged 2 with pneumococcal conjugate booster vaccine
96.88% vaccinated.
Stroke prevention: medication for patients with atrial fibrillation
87.65% treated, out of 81 patients.
Registered Patients
Waters Edge Medical Centre GP has 4689 registered patients out of this it has 2352 female registered patients and 2337 male registered patients. Total number of male patients and female patients
Number of male and female patients, grouped by 10 years
Patient Online Management Information
Waters Edge Medical Centre has total of 4719 registered patients as per Patient Online Management Information (POMI) system as on 30-Sep-22
Online Appointments
Functionality status of the online system at the Practice for enabling the use of online Patient Transactional Services for booking and/or cancelling appointments through the Principal system
Online booking of appointments and cancelling is enabled
Total number of 'online patients' registered to use an online Patient Transactional Service to book and/or cancel appointments
Total number of appointment scheduling or cancelling transactions using an Online Patient Transaction Service within the reporting month
Online Prescription Order
Functionality status of the online system at the Practice for enabling the use of online Patient Transactional Services for ordering repeat prescriptions through the Principal system
Online prescription ordering is enabled
Total number of 'online patients' registered to use an online Patient Transactional Service to order repeat prescriptions
Total number of prescriptions ordered using an Online Patient Transaction Service. (Note that ordering several items at once to be counted as one prescription).
Online Patient Record Access Service
Functionality status of the Practice system for enabling the use of online Patient Record Access Services for 'online patients' to view their Detailed Coded Care Record
Patients can view detailed coded records online
Total number of 'online patients' registered to use an online Patient Record Access Service to access elements of the Detailed Coded Care Record
Total number of accesses of a patient record by an 'online patient' with Detailed Coded Care Record access.