Woodlands Park Surgery, Maidenhead, Berkshire

Woodlands Park Surgery is one of the leading GP practice in Maidenhead and it is located at 15 Woodlands Park Road, Woodlands Park, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3NW. Patients can contact Woodlands Park Surgery at 01628 825523 for appointments. Services offered by Woodlands Park Surgery are Asthma Clinic, Learning disability health check and others. Woodlands Park Surgery GP has total 3671 registered patients, out of this there are 1855 female registered patients and 1816 male registered patients. It offers Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) which allows you to get your medicines with out the need of paper prescription. Woodlands Park Surgery has medical staff of 13 to cater to your healthcare needs. NHS Frimley Icb - D4u1y is responsible for effective clinical commissioning of Woodlands Park Surgery.

Contact Information

Woodlands Park Surgery
15 Woodlands Park Road, Woodlands Park
Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3NW
01628 825523

GP Profile

Woodlands Park Surgery address, phone number, fax number, website, email etc. details are mentioned as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for appointments.
NameWoodlands Park Surgery
Organization codeK81015
Address15 Woodlands Park Road, Woodlands Park
Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3NW
Phone number01628 825523
Fax number01628 829036
CommissionerNHS Frimley Icb - D4u1y
Electronic Prescription ServiceAvailable

Opening times

Woodlands Park Surgery opening timing for reception and surgery are as mentioned below for complete week. Patients can book their appointments accordingly.

Services & Clinics

Woodlands Park Surgery have following clinics at their center and they provide below mentioned services to the patients.
Asthma Clinic
Learning disability health check


Woodlands Park Surgery has following Accessibility and Parking facilities available which can be availed by incoming patients.
Disabled WC Yes
Induction loop Yes
Signing service available Yes
Step free access Yes
Text Relay Yes
Wheelchair access Yes
Car Parking Yes


There are 13 medical staff working at Woodlands Park Surgery. Following are the staff details who work at Woodlands Park Surgery with their name, job tittle and GMC Number.
NameJob titleGMC Number
Mrs Gill RogersAdministrator
Mrs Sioban MorganAdministrator
Dr Pierre MasonGeneral Practitioner3647776
Dr Kim LangerGeneral Practitioner4437619
Dr Aneela MalikGeneral Practitioner4448387
Dr Rupal D'souzaGeneral Practitioner6089385
Mrs Diane ParrottHealthcare Assistant
Mrs Diane ParrottPractice Manager
Mrs Nola PallotPractice Nurse
Ms Nicky GreenbergPractice Pharmacist
mrs Lorraine LavigneReception Staff
MRS Anne WestReception Staff
Mrs Brenda DavisonReception Staff


Some measuring parameters of Woodlands Park Surgery are taken and their fetched values are as mentioned below.
Antibiotic Prescribing items per standardised prescribing unit (see definition)
Cancer Detection Rate38.89% detected by practice, out of 18 new diagnoses.
Care Quality Commission Inspection RatingsGood
Cervical Cancer Screening81.6% screened, of 326 eligible women.
Dementia - Face to Face Reviews100.00% reviewed by GP, out of 10 patients diagnosed.
Diabetes - Managing Blood Glucose Level (HbA1c)88.19% within a recommended level, out of 127 patients.
Flu vaccinations - Aged 65 and over group73.1% vaccinated, of 458 eligible people.
Flu vaccinations - Under 65 At Risk Groups65.2% vaccinated, of 342 eligible people.
High Blood Pressure Management91.67% with recommended measurement, out of 444 patients.
Mental Health – Comprehensive Care Planning100.00% with a plan, out of 17 patients.
Patient Experience - Confidence and Trust in healthcare professional 99.39% had confidence, of 37 respondents.
Patient Satisfaction with GP Practice Appointment Times82.71% were satisfied, of 38 respondents.
Percentage of children aged 1 completed primary course of 5:1 vaccine94.23% vaccinated.
Proportion of children aged 2 with Haemophilus influenzae type b and Meningitis C booster vaccine92.31% vaccinated.
Proportion of children aged 2 with Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine92.31% vaccinated.
Proportion of children aged 2 with pneumococcal conjugate booster vaccine92.31% vaccinated.
Stroke prevention: medication for patients with atrial fibrillation100.00% treated, out of 31 patients.

Registered Patients

Woodlands Park Surgery GP has 3671 registered patients out of this it has 1855 female registered patients and 1816 male registered patients.
Total number of male patients and female patients

Number of male and female patients, grouped by 10 years

Patient Online Management Information

Woodlands Park Surgery has total of 3676 registered patients as per Patient Online Management Information (POMI) system as on 30-Sep-22

Online Appointments
Functionality status of the online system at the Practice for enabling the use of online Patient Transactional Services for booking and/or cancelling appointments through the Principal systemOnline booking of appointments and cancelling can be allowed but GP has not yet enabled the functionality
Total number of 'online patients' registered to use an online Patient Transactional Service to book and/or cancel appointments0
Total number of appointment scheduling or cancelling transactions using an Online Patient Transaction Service within the reporting month0
Online Prescription Order
Functionality status of the online system at the Practice for enabling the use of online Patient Transactional Services for ordering repeat prescriptions through the Principal systemOnline prescription ordering is enabled
Total number of 'online patients' registered to use an online Patient Transactional Service to order repeat prescriptions1480
Total number of prescriptions ordered using an Online Patient Transaction Service. (Note that ordering several items at once to be counted as one prescription).105
Online Patient Record Access Service
Functionality status of the Practice system for enabling the use of online Patient Record Access Services for 'online patients' to view their Detailed Coded Care RecordPatients can view detailed coded records online
Total number of 'online patients' registered to use an online Patient Record Access Service to access elements of the Detailed Coded Care Record700
Total number of accesses of a patient record by an 'online patient' with Detailed Coded Care Record access.

Map and Direction

Other GP's in Maidenhead

Claremont Surgery
Location: 2 Cookham Road
Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 8AN

Phone: 01628 624469
Website: http://www.claremontsurgery.co.uk
Cookham Medical Centre
Location: Lower Road, Cookham
Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 9HX

Phone: 01628 810242
Website: http://www.cookhammedicalcentre.co.uk
Cordwallis Road Surgery
Location: 1 Cordwallis Road
Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 7DQ

Phone: 01628 627284
Website: http://www.cordwallisroadsurgery.nhs.uk/
Holyport Surgery
Location: Stroud Farm Road, Holyport
Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 2LP

Phone: NA
Website: NA
Linden Medical Centre
Location: 9A Linden Avenue
Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6JJ

Phone: 01628 776900
Website: http://www.lindenmedicalcentre.co.uk

What are GPs? : GP stands for 'General Practitioner' who can deal with all type of medical conditions and mainly treats acute (short duration) and chronic (diseases that lasts for more than three months) illnesses. GPs provide routine health care checkups like physical examinations, vaccinations, simple surgical operations etc. They also provide advice on diet and smoking, preventive care and health education to patients.
GPs are not specialized in any one particular area. So, if they can't deal with any particular medical condition, they refer the patient to the specialized hospital for tests, treatment, or to see a consultant with specialist knowledge.

What is a GP Practice? : GPs usually work in practices (a physical location / clinic) as part of a team that includes nurses, healthcare assistants, practice managers, receptionists and other staff. Practices also work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as health visitors, midwives, mental health services and social care services. GP practices should make information about their services easily available to their patients. Our website also provide detailed information about General Practices which is easy to comprehend and freely accessible.

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