The Elms Practice address, phone number, fax number, website, email etc. details are mentioned as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for appointments.
The Elms Practice opening timing for reception and surgery are as mentioned below for complete week. Patients can book their appointments accordingly.
The Elms Practice have following clinics at their center and they provide below mentioned services to the patients.
The Elms Practice has following Accessibility and Parking facilities available which can be availed by incoming patients.
There are 5 medical staff working at The Elms Practice. Following are the staff details who work at The Elms Practice with their name, job tittle and GMC Number.
Some measuring parameters of The Elms Practice are taken and their fetched values are as mentioned below.
Measure | Value |
Antibiotic Prescribing | items per standardised prescribing unit (see definition) |
Cancer Detection Rate | 48.57% detected by practice, out of 105 new diagnoses. |
Care Quality Commission Inspection Ratings | Good |
Cervical Cancer Screening | 79.2% screened, of 1977 eligible women. |
Dementia - Face to Face Reviews | 89.17% reviewed by GP, out of 157 patients diagnosed. |
Diabetes - Managing Blood Glucose Level (HbA1c) | 83.71% within a recommended level, out of 614 patients. |
Flu vaccinations - Aged 65 and over group | 73.3% vaccinated, of 2883 eligible people. |
Flu vaccinations - Under 65 At Risk Groups | 57.9% vaccinated, of 852 eligible people. |
High Blood Pressure Management | 77.63% with recommended measurement, out of 2,266 patients. |
Mental Health – Comprehensive Care Planning | 90.63% with a plan, out of 64 patients. |
Patient Experience - Confidence and Trust in healthcare professional | 95.95% had confidence, of 124 respondents. |
Patient Satisfaction with GP Practice Appointment Times | 79.40% were satisfied, of 119 respondents. |
Percentage of children aged 1 completed primary course of 5:1 vaccine | 97.50% vaccinated. |
Proportion of children aged 2 with Haemophilus influenzae type b and Meningitis C booster vaccine | 91.94% vaccinated. |
Proportion of children aged 2 with Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine | 91.94% vaccinated. |
Proportion of children aged 2 with pneumococcal conjugate booster vaccine | 90.32% vaccinated. |
Stroke prevention: medication for patients with atrial fibrillation | 88.96% treated, out of 317 patients. |
The Elms Practice GP has 9128 registered patients out of this it has 4636 female registered patients and 4492 male registered patients.
has total of 9106 registered patients as per Patient Online Management Information (POMI) system as on 30-Sep-22