General Practices in Gainsborough

8 GPs found, showing 1 - 8
Caskgate Street Surgery
Location: 3 Caskgate Street
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2DJ

Phone: 01427 619033
Website: NA
Cleveland Surgery
Location: Vanessa Drive
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2UQ

Phone: 01427 613158
Corringham Branch Surgery
Location: 38A Middle Street, Corringham
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 5QS

Phone: 01427 788277
Dr Yule-smith And Partners
Location: Jubilee Hall, Common Road, Waddingham
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 4SX

Phone: 01652 650580
Website: NA
Hawthorn Surgery
Location: Scotton Road, Scotter
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 3SB

Phone: 01724 700218
Website: NA
Kirton Lindsey Surgery
Location: Traingate, Kirton Lindsey, Nr Gainsborough
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 4PQ

Phone: 01652 648214
Marton Branch Surgery
Location: 11 The Old Courtyard, Marton
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 5XX

Phone: 01427 788277
Willingham-by-stow Surgery
Location: High Street, Willingham By Stow
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 5JZ

Phone: 01427 788277

General Practices

There are 8 GPs in Gainsborough. General Practitioners (GPs) treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment. They are part of much wider team whose role include promoting, preventing and initiating treatment. GPs looking after patients with chronic illness with the aim to keep people in their own homes and ensuring they are as well as they possibly they can be. Looking after the whole person - the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, cultural and economic aspects through patient-centred approaches is a vital part of any GP's role.

What are GPs? : GP stands for 'General Practitioner' who can deal with all type of medical conditions and mainly treats acute (short duration) and chronic (diseases that lasts for more than three months) illnesses. GPs provide routine health care checkups like physical examinations, vaccinations, simple surgical operations etc. They also provide advice on diet and smoking, preventive care and health education to patients.
GPs are not specialized in any one particular area. So, if they can't deal with any particular medical condition, they refer the patient to the specialized hospital for tests, treatment, or to see a consultant with specialist knowledge.

What is a GP Practice? : GPs usually work in practices (a physical location / clinic) as part of a team that includes nurses, healthcare assistants, practice managers, receptionists and other staff. Practices also work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as health visitors, midwives, mental health services and social care services. GP practices should make information about their services easily available to their patients. Our website also provide detailed information about General Practices which is easy to comprehend and freely accessible.

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