Cumnor Hill House is a Care Home and a care at home (homecare) provider in Oxford and it is located at Breeches End, Cumnor Hill, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 9FW. Cumnor Hill House is classified as Large sized care home and has 75 beds. Cumnor Hill House can be contacted at phone number 01865 415185. Services offered by Cumnor Hill House are Care home with nursing, Care home without nursing, Homecare, Shared lives, Supported living services and more. Active Lives Care Ltd is owner organisation for Cumnor Hill House. The local authority of Care Quality Commission for inspection etc. is Oxfordshire and it has been rated as Requires Improvement by CQC.
Cumnor Hill House | |
Breeches End, Cumnor Hill Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 9FW | |
01865 415185 |
Care home with nursing |
Care home without nursing |
Homecare |
Shared lives |
Supported living services |
Parent Organisation | Active Lives Care Ltd |
Organisation Type | Social care provider |
Address | 1 Benjamin Street, London, EC1M 5QG |
Parent Organization Id | 6412756 |
Parent Organization Code | 1-2366278026 |
Measure | Value | Value Text |
Care Quality Commission inspection ratings | 3 | Requires Improvement |
Food hygiene rating | 5 | Very good |
Local authority | Oxfordshire | |
Owning organisation | Berkley Care Group | |
Registered manager in post | 1 | Yes registered manager in post |
Size of care home | Large | 75 beds |
1 To 1 Care Uk Limited Location: The Notcutts Centre, Stewart House, Nuneham Courtenay Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX44 9PP Phone: 01865 343134 Website: |
1st Homecare (oxford) Ltd Location: Barton Neighbourhood Centre, Underhill Circus, Headington Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX3 9LS Phone: 01865 744174 Website: |
Acquire Care Ltd Location: Shotover Kilns, Shotover Hill, Headington Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX3 8ST Phone: 01865 601010 Website: NA |
Bluebird Care Oxford Location: CMS House, Watlington Road, Cowley Oxford, OX4 6BZ Phone: 01491 837940 Website: |
Bolff Healthcare Services Ltd Location: Office 10, Sandford Gate, East Point Business Park, Sandy Lane West, Cowley Oxford, OX4 6LB Phone: 01865 910162 Website: |