Active Prospects - Woodview, Caterham is a Care Home and a care at home (homecare) provider in Caterham and it is located at Woodview, Woodview Way, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5NE. Active Prospects - Woodview, Caterham is classified as Small sized care home and has 9 beds. Active Prospects - Woodview, Caterham can be contacted at phone number 01883 331309. Services offered by Active Prospects - Woodview, Caterham are Care home with nursing, Care home without nursing, Homecare, Shared lives, Supported living services and more. Active Prospects is owner organisation for Active Prospects - Woodview, Caterham. The local authority of Care Quality Commission for inspection etc. is Surrey and it has been rated as Good by CQC.
Active Prospects - Woodview, Caterham | |
Woodview, Woodview Way Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5NE | |
01883 331309 |
Care home with nursing |
Care home without nursing |
Homecare |
Shared lives |
Supported living services |
Parent Organisation | Active Prospects |
Organisation Type | Social care provider |
Address | 1 Castlefield Court, Church Street, Reigate, RH2 0AH |
Parent Organization Id | 210844 |
Parent Organization Code | 1-101650500 |
Measure | Value | Value Text |
Care Quality Commission inspection ratings | 2 | Good |
Food hygiene rating | 5 | Very good |
Local authority | Surrey | |
Registered manager in post | 2 | No registered manager in post |
Size of care home | Small | 9 beds |
Abletrust Care Location: 367 Croydon Road Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6PN Phone: 01883 330321 Website: |
Active Care Group Supported Services Location: Quadrant House, Croydon Caterham, CR3 6TR Phone: 01883 331777 Website: NA |
Amazing Angels Homecare Location: 177A Croydon Road Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6PH Phone: 01883 346333 Website: NA |
Ashton Location: Birchwood Lane, Chaldon Caterham, CR3 5DQ Phone: 01883 347224 Website: |