Thornfield House is a Care Home and a care at home (homecare) provider in Bradford and it is located at 261 Highfield Road, Idle, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD10 8QY. Thornfield House is classified as Small sized care home and has 7 beds. Thornfield House can be contacted at phone number 01274 414165. Services offered by Thornfield House are Care home with nursing, Care home without nursing, Homecare, Shared lives, Supported living services and more. Isand Limited is owner organisation for Thornfield House. The local authority of Care Quality Commission for inspection etc. is Bradford and it has been rated as Good by CQC.
Thornfield House | |
261 Highfield Road, Idle Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD10 8QY | |
01274 414165 |
Care home with nursing |
Care home without nursing |
Homecare |
Shared lives |
Supported living services |
Parent Organisation | Isand Limited |
Organisation Type | Social care provider |
Address | Woodleigh House, Henshaw Lane, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7RZ |
Parent Organization Id | 213397 |
Parent Organization Code | 1-101654585 |
Measure | Value | Value Text |
Care Quality Commission inspection ratings | 2 | Good |
Food hygiene rating | 4 | Good |
Local authority | Bradford | |
Owning organisation | Cambian Healthcare Limited | |
Registered manager in post | 1 | Yes registered manager in post |
Size of care home | Small | 7 beds |
Acorn Nursing Home Location: 46/48 All Saints Road, Laisteridge Lane Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD5 0NJ Phone: 01274 734004 Website: |
Alchita Care Limited Of Bradford Location: Carlisle Business Centre, 60 Carlisle Road Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD8 8BD Phone: 01274 960825 Website: NA |