Edendale House, Blyth

Edendale House is a Care Home and a care at home (homecare) provider in Blyth and it is located at 2g Edendale House, Dene View Drive, Blyth, NE24 5PT. Edendale House can be contacted at phone number . Services offered by Edendale House are Care home with nursing, Care home without nursing, Homecare, Shared lives, Supported living services and more. Home Group Limited is owner organisation for Edendale House. The local authority of Care Quality Commission for inspection etc. is Northumberland and it has been rated as Good by CQC.

Contact Information

Edendale House
2g Edendale House, Dene View Drive
Blyth, NE24 5PT

Care Home Profile

Edendale House's contact details such as address, phone number, website, email etc. are mentioned below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for more information about the services.
NameEdendale House
Organization TypeCare homes and care at home
Address2g Edendale House, Dene View Drive
Blyth, NE24 5PT
Organization Code1-6720784068
Organization ID10749577


Edendale House offers following services:
Care home with nursing
Care home without nursing
Shared lives
Supported living services

Parent Organisation

Parent OrganisationHome Group Limited
Organisation TypeSocial care provider
Address2 Gosforth Park Way, Gosforth Business Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE12 8ET
Parent Organization Id213224
Parent Organization Code1-101693325


Performance metric for Edendale House:
MeasureValueValue Text
Care Quality Commission inspection ratings2Good
Local authorityNorthumberland
Owning organisationHome Group Limited
Registered manager in post1Yes registered manager in post

Map and Direction

Other Care Homes in Blyth

Best Options Agency
Location: Arms Evertyne House, Quay Road
Blyth, NE24 2AS

Phone: 07377 053855
Website: NA
Blyth Valley Disabled Forum
Location: 20 Stanley Street
Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 2BU

Phone: 01670 360927
Website: www.blythdisabledforum.co.uk
Chasedale Care Home
Location: Tynedale Drive
Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 4LH

Phone: 01670 759224
Website: http://www.fshc.co.uk/chasedale-care-home/?ref=carehomeuk
Confidence Care And Support
Location: Blyth Workspace, Quay Road
Blyth, NE24 3AG

Phone: 01670 338407
Website: NA
Crofton Court Residential Care Home
Location: Edward Street
Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 1DW

Phone: 01670 354573
Website: http://akaricare.co.uk/find-a-care-home/crofton-court-residential-care-home/

What are GPs? : GP stands for 'General Practitioner' who can deal with all type of medical conditions and mainly treats acute (short duration) and chronic (diseases that lasts for more than three months) illnesses. GPs provide routine health care checkups like physical examinations, vaccinations, simple surgical operations etc. They also provide advice on diet and smoking, preventive care and health education to patients.
GPs are not specialized in any one particular area. So, if they can't deal with any particular medical condition, they refer the patient to the specialized hospital for tests, treatment, or to see a consultant with specialist knowledge.

What is a GP Practice? : GPs usually work in practices (a physical location / clinic) as part of a team that includes nurses, healthcare assistants, practice managers, receptionists and other staff. Practices also work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as health visitors, midwives, mental health services and social care services. GP practices should make information about their services easily available to their patients. Our website also provide detailed information about General Practices which is easy to comprehend and freely accessible.

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